Logan's Story

Logan's story is written by his mum, LeAnn.

Logan's daddy and I found out we were pregnant on August 16, 2004.

We were both 18 and scared to death. After the initial shock wore off  we became really excited about the baby. In September Chris, Logan's daddy, left  to go on tour with Avalon and Mark Schultz to help with the lighting. (He told all the other crew guys about the me and the baby. The drummer and the guitar player then teased him about getting him a diaper genie for his birthday.Apparently in their opinion you can not have a baby and not have one!)

On September 27 I went to my first doctor's visit where my doctor told me how active and good the baby looked as far as he could tell. Our due date was going to be April 6, 2005. While Chris was on tour my mom, my sisters, and I all began to plan the nursery. It was going to be done in baby Snoopy. I was so excited about my baby and I couldn't wait until April. I was having an amazingly easy pregnancy and things were going great.   On November 16 I went in for my official ultrasound to find out what the baby was. The technician said that the baby was healthy and active. He moved our due date up to April 2. I was so excited when the tech told me it was a boy. I left the doctor's office and immediately called Chris and told him. He too was excited because a boy is what he really wanted. Chris came home off tour a week later and we had Thanksgiving and everything was going good and I was getting big.

Then that Monday I went in for my montly checkup and my blood pressure was really high so Dr. Collins ran some blood work and told me to come back Wednesday. Thinking it was just a fluke I went home and the next night Chris and I went to a hockey game and had a lot of fun. Then Wednesday I went into the doctors office where they took my blood pressure and it was still high. The doctor then began to explain to me that he thought I was developing  pre eclampsia and it awful early for me to be getting it so he did what he thought was best and called a high risk OB doctor (obstiatrition) in Tulsa and had me admitted to Hillcrest that night to have more tests done and see exactly what was wrong. I began to be a little scared but at the same time thought I was just going in for tests and they  would figure out what was wrong, fix it and I would go home in a couple of days. After all, Logan's heartbeat still sounded good.  The next morning on Thursday after a very restless night they wheeled me down on a stretcher to radiology for an ultrasound. That was when they told me the baby had died sometime between the night before and then. I can remember just sitting there in complete shock and seeing our baby on the screen not moving or anything. Then they wheeled me back into the hall and about twenty minutes later they wheeled me back upstairs and I got ahold of my mom and Chris and they rushed back to the hospital. That night they began to induce my labor and put me on bed rest because of the pre eclampsia. I was still in complete shock.

Then Friday Dec 3 at 10:35 p.m. I had our baby boy.  He was absolutely perfect. We named him Logan Michael (Logan was the name Chris and Duke insisted we name the baby when we found out it was a boy) My sisters and Chris's sister came up to the hospital to see and hold him. The next day was my birthday and we celebrated it in the hospital and we all  held Logan some more. Then on Sunday afternoon I finally got to go home. Much to my surprise I found myself not wanting to leave because I knew we wouldn't be taking Logan with us. Monday we made the funeral arrangements and the funeral home went to Tulsa to get him. I spent much of this week walking around in a daze. On Friday the 10th we had his funeral. It wasn't until the next day that things began to hit me. Since then life has been a roller coaster of emotions. I think things are hitting me harder now than they did before. Logan will always be loved and missed.

26 March, 2005