Connall's Memorial Website
This website is for Connall David Miles, who was born at 11.20am on Thursday 13th May 2004, and stayed with his parents for 2 hours before returning home.
We, as his parent's (Lisa and Simon Miles) hope that the poems, personal stories, pictures, glossary and links will help other families faced with similar situations understand and cope with what they have to go through, whatever that journey might be, as well as a long lasting reminder that life isn't always what it's made out to be.
We chose his name from the O'Baby The Irish Baby Name Book by Geoffery Johnson, and Connall (Kun-al) means strong as a wolf. A popular early name borne by kings and warriors of note. Connall Corc ("the red") was a fifth century king of Munster who founded the influential kingship of Cashel. Connell is the Anglicized form.
Please feel free to browse this site, but please also note that any medical reference or description is only based on our understanding and should not be taken as gospel. The best people to explain things are those who have spent many years studying to become members of the medical profession.
29 January, 2005