Jacob Cuthbertson
This is Jacob Cuthbertson
Our precious little boy Jacob was born on the 14th March 2004.
He was diagnosed with Hypo-plastic left heart syndrome at the twenty week scan so we were as prepared as we could be for his surgery at Birmingham Children's Hospital. Eight hours after our beautiful baby was born he was transferred to Birmingham. Two days later he had his surgery. Jacob always took his time and we were in intensive care for 15 days. We watched many babies come and go until finally we were moved back on to the ward. We had some ups and downs but after 5 long weeks at Birmingham we were allowed to bring him home. We were so excited and we had a wonderful 3 and a half weeks with him at home. He was hardly ever out of our arms.
Sadly one morning Jacob passed away suddenly. Our beautiful little boy fell asleep at home on the 14th May 2004 in his mummy's arms. He is always in our thoughts. We are so lucky that his Nanny and Pop, his Aunty Ruth, Grandma and Grandad, and so many other relatives and friends got to know him and love him. Our lives will never be the same again but we will always remember our precious time together.
We will love you forever Jacob xx
Laura and Paul
18 January, 2005